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Showing posts from 2018

Photos from the Veterans Day Show in Riga, MI

My little trail scene Trina Houser hosted a lovely show for models classic size and smaller earlier this month. The custom mini division was small but fierce—the first snowfall of the year made travel difficult and a few showers didn't make the trek. Karen Zorn brought out her collection of beautiful mini Alborozos: Dapple Gray Andalusian Buckskin Mustang Grulla Criollo in pinto And with an Appaloosa blanket pattern Bows were the in thing: Clydesdale or Shire Suffolk Punch A pony by Karen Zorn A few Djangos in color: Georgian Grande   And an Appaloosa Cross

Packed for a Show: Veteran’s Day Live

I’m excited to be going to a show! The last two I attended were NAN and the Breyerfest Open Show. While NAN was lovely, showing custom minis at Breyerfest is/was frustrating because there’s only six breed classes with no division champions AND they were so late in the day that they overlapped with the Swap Meet. This summer, I passed up on a show in a neighboring state that had a similar format for the mini classes. But while I was waiting for that class list to be posted, I missed out on getting a table at a different show that sold out. So I’m looking forward to Veteran’s Day Live in Riga, MI hosted by Trina Houser. All my custom minis in one tote.

Thowback Thursday

This is another Arabian type from the G1 series. I think she began as the Arabian Stallion mold. Airbrushed bright chestnut this Arab cross mare has a Krylon-style glossy finish. I remember trying to straighten the legs so the model wasn't leaning over it's knees, as well as working on gender characteristics to go from a stallion to a mare. The Gapoxio gave me trouble, as did the fine wire I used under the tail (it broke). I love how the tail is in a strong wind, but the mane is not. This is a San Diego era piece as well, dating from about 1997.

Copy Cat Custom Project

If you are looking for a little inspiration for your next custom mini, head on over to Facebook. The Copy Cat Custom Project might be for you. Sometimes in creative endeavors, two artists or authors might begin with the same goals, reference point, or inspiration. And while there is a little elementary-school fear that someone may point a finger and call these artists “copy cats,” the truth is that no two models or novels are truly alike. The creator brings so much to the table: experience, craft, personality, and style. That’s what this community project is about. Bethany Shaw posted “We are celebrating the differences in our methods and execution by doing this community building project! To participate: customize a G1 Arabian Stablemate (or the Prancing Arabian, if you can't get a G1) to dapple grey, using the group banner as a major reference for color, and add bows to the mane and tail. ...

Quick Tip: Two at a Time

Customizing models can mean a lot of waiting... waiting for Apoxie Sculpt to set, waiting for primer to dry, and waiting for dull coat spray to turn, well, dull. When I was pastelling with my friend Karen, I didn’t notice the waiting between layers because we were chatting, or making cocoa, or I’d be checking out her project. But since I’ve moved, I work on my own. This means I’m tempted to add more pastel instead of waiting for my dull coat spray to dry. (Disaster! Incoming!) So working on two models at once helps. I don’t feel like I’m wasting precious studio time. When one is drying, I’ll add color to the other. Two custom mini models in progress. Sometimes one model will be finished before the other. Any progress is good progress... especially if I haven't been tempted to add pastel before the spray coat is dry!

Throwback Thursday Mini Model Horse Version

Awhile back, I heard through the grapevine that a hobbyist purchased one of my models. It was something I had done years before, and the comments were something along the line of a seam was showing or there was a brush stroke in the paint—or probably both! The gossipy tone of this news made me laugh. I am not perfect, nor has every piece I ever created been perfect. Maybe someday I'll get closer to that goal. So for all of you who are working on your craft and learning as you go, I'm going to share some photos of custom minis I've done over the years. When I first started customizing Stablemates, only G1 models were available. Here's an Arabian mare made from the Thoroughbred mare from my days in San Diego, CA (from 1995 to 1998). She is airbrushed a warm gray and sports four little socks and a blaze. Her mane and tail are very textured (remember Gapoxio? It didn't like me.) And the Krylon spray on her is rather shiny... maybe I was going for the Show Sheen look...

More New Stablemate Molds

I purchased three new molds at Breyerfest 2018, so I am behind the curve in posting about them. Many artists have been customizing the Alborozo—it seems to be a favorite! Alborozo Unicorn, a smaller, mirror image of the Traditional model by the same name, sculpted by Brigitte Eberl. Gypsy Vanner, again a smaller version of a Traditional mold (Brishen) which is a variation of the Iberian mold but with modified legs and feathers... phew this boy has come a long way! From above, you can see that the Brishen mold has a rather narrow shape. Magnolia Unicorn, a smaller version of the Porcelain Traditional scale model, sculpted by Kathleen Moody. I've started on a custom of Magnolia. I've removed the horn, and taken a little off her ears and under her jaw. She needed a little clean-up in the pasterns, too. The only epoxy I've added is on her topline. I'm looking for a little more substance for my finished piece. I ended up adding more ...

Boston Inspiration: Pastels and Horses

Pastel box belonging to American-born painter and artist Mary Cassatt (1844-1926). The sticks still wrapped in papers weren't used. On display at the Museum of Fine Arts. A beautiful quote about working in pastel, Museum of Fine Arts "Henry" of Paint and Henry by Deborah Butterfield at Copley Plaza Mall. Cast in Bronze, but looks like he is built from pieces of recycled metal. "Paint" looking toward Henry in a circular garden. “Appeal to the Great Spirit" by American sculptor Cyrus E. Dallin (1861–1944). Cast in bronze in 1909. I love how the horse is at peace with the world--so unlike the mounts of Generals that you see in this scale.

New House, New Studio

Two weeks before Breyerfest, we bought a house. We got the keys while I was in Kentucky and we've been painting-working-moving for most of August. Now we are in the new house and unpacking. I have a studio space in the basement that is it's own room. It's a work-in-progress... The Before Photo with Royal Blue walls with stars. Painting in Progress Unpacking closet view More unpacking New white walls!

Postcards from Kentucky NAN

Posting from my phone again... NAN 2018 was a lovely way to spend the day today with OF performance and CM and resin breed and workmanship. The small crowd was friendly and supportive and the judges did a great job. Two of my babies won top five and top nine rosettes. In The Spotlight  And other showers were putting some serious competition in the rings with their own minis.