I have been remiss on posting finished models for my personal challenge of finishing one hundred models (instead of starting something new.) As you may have noticed, I’ve started a new model with wire mesh as part of the mane and tail... so many wonderful horsey distractions! Meet Encore! He is a custom from the G3 rearing Andalusian. This is one of two models in a bow that started with this mold. I found the mold a little tricky to work with because of his pose. When tamed into a new pose, however, he’s quite the sweetie! Encore is a red roan taking a bow. CM by Sarah Tregay. Encore has been on my workbench for about five years. My friend, Karen Prescott, began two bowing models at the same time and they were completed a long time ago. I chose bay roan for this guy, a color that can be painted many ways with many mediums. I chose a pastel base coat and pastel pencils. I purchased two brands and ended up using them both because they dulled quickly. I drew on many tiny...