My latest project is a Darley custom in fleabitten gray with a bloody shoulder. This mold is a pleasure to resculpt and paint—so many delicious details to highlight! My custom has a few changes to the legs, neck, face, mane and tail, but all are small in scope. Aven Optiview 5D LED desk lamp My latest studio addition is a magnifying lamp because I am not as young as I was when I started customizing and neither are my eyeballs. I’ve used prescription glasses, reading glasses, head lamps, and my natural vision to work on models, but I thought I’d add another tool to my chest. I chose an Aven Optiview 5D LED desk lamp. It has a 4 inch lens which works well with minis. I like the enlarged view of the horses (about 225%) and feel that I have enough room to work underneath the lamp. Breyer Stablemate under my 5D magnifying lamp I’m painting the Darley custom fleabitten gray and the lamp is the perfect tool for the project. Flea bites are small on a real horse, and even more tiny on a mi...