Meet Pizazz! He's my first custom on the mini Brishon mold. Pizazz is a Gypsy Vanner in claybank dun with sabino markings. If you've worked in pastels you know that the color evolves from light to dark, so a bay might look like a palomino for the first layer or two, then maybe a chestnut before it becomes bay. And sometimes plans change. This boy was one of those models. I had a sandy bay sabino reference photo in front of me, but I changed course when his body color hit on claybank dun. I have a soft spot for claybank duns. My first job as a teenager was as "Hack Staff" at Camp Seven Hills, a Girl Scout Summer Camp in Holland, New York. That summer a big quarter horse mare named Dolly was one of the horses in my care. She was blind in one eye and had a mare-y attitude. She was the most beautiful warm dun color with a red mane and tail. I spent the summer doting on her and hoping she felt loved. So, long story short, Pizazz isn't bay. A splash of war...